Read Our Blog
Stick the kettle on and stop by for a scout of the latest TwitTwooYou chatter. Our wise owls like to share insights, facts and news on the latest and hottest digital marketing topics and tools.
What Is Grammarly, And How Does It Work?
Ever wondered how to spell logorrhea? Nope? Us neither… But here‘s the thing, school and those spelling bees might now be a distant memory, but you still need to make sure what you write is spelt correctly. The Grammarly App is a free tool to help you ace your written accuracy. It makes sure everything you type not only upholds accurate spelling, punctuation, and grammar, but is also clear, compelling, and easy to read.
What does Ernest Hemingway have to do with Online Editing?
American novelist, Ernest Hemingway Editor became best known for his straightforward prose and use of understatement. And this simplicity in writing style is probably why the Hemingway Editor App was named after him. Hemingway Editor is an online editing tool that helps you write brilliant copy for the web and beyond. Read our latest blog on why we believe this free tool is a writer’s best friend.
Say “Elo” to Trello - Your Planning Saviour
Whatever your job and your title, you’re expected to be organised. You’ll have deadlines and projects where you are accountable and responsible too. What if there was a tool that could help you ace in planning, get things done on time and collaborate with others? There is! Meet Trello.
When is the Best Time to Tweet?
Wouldn’t it be great, when you’re posting on your social channels to know when your followers are online? If they’re online, chances are they are more likely to see your posts and potentially engage with them. Audiense is a FREE tool that you can use to link with your Twitter profile. It does a lot, but its best feature, we feel is the ability to know when your followers are online.
Itsy Bitsy Teeny Weeny Bitly
If you're conducting some kind of digital marketing activity, chances are you’re asking the reader to do something, like click on a link to redirect them to your website. If you're posting on social, what do you do if your link is really REALLY long? Don't let the length of your link curb your ability to write a banging post. Instead, consider using a FREE link shortener like #Bitly.
‘Later’ - A Great Free Social Media Scheduler
Social media is a critical part of maintaining brand awareness. To engage with customers new and potential, you need to provide exciting content on relevant social channels frequently. Using a social media scheduling tool is a great way to plan out your social media activity at a time that’s right for you. With loads of scheduling tools out there, TwitTwooYou finds you a cool one that’s pretty generous in features and easy to use too.
Enhance your Brand’s Visual Identity with
Having a strong brand identity and visual representation is so important in today’s busy world of digital. Your brand needs to look strong, be eye-catching and memorable. is a super cool free tool that you can use anytime to find out which colours go with what. The tool allows you to generate a pallette of colours to enhance and work with your brand identity.
All About Canva - Your Virtual Graphic Designer
In today’s digital world, great branding is super important. Social media and the web are very crowded spaces, making it even harder to be noticed. If you work for yourself, you’re unlikely to have the luxury of a graphic design team on call. Without the resource of a great graphic designer, how can you achieve all of the above? Canva! Find out more about Canva - your virtual graphic designer.
All About Google Alerts
Google Alerts is an amazing tool that acts as a listener to hear any mentions of your brand and ideal keywords wherever they may be; social, online - wherever! If someone is out there either talking about your brand, a key member of your team, or even a term you love, Google alert will let you know so you can act fast and monitor good and bad comments online.
All About Campaign URL Builder
If you’re engaged in digital marketing activity, you’re asking customers to do something; be that fill in a form, visit a web page or even complete a sale. If you’re using the traditional link to that page you’re not able to measure the success of that promotion. Campaign URL Builder allows you to create unique links that are trackable in Google Analytics. Find out more in ‘All About Campaign URL Builder’.
Will Data Privacy be the Death of Digital Advertising?
Ever since the launch of GDPR in May 2018, the concept of privacy has been high on the agenda of many. Google and Apple have both begun tightening their grip on privacy in terms of removing keyword data from Google Analytics reports. With a lack of keyword intel, how can marketers effectively target their digital advertising effectively? Read our latest blog to learn our thoughts on working with this key change in digital advertising.
Don’t be a slave to SEO!
So we’re all told that SEO or search engine optimisation is super important to ensure our website ranks well among competitors, but don’t be a slave to it...
Are you Making these Mistakes on Facebook?
If your business involves the targeting of consumers, chances are you’ll have a social presence. Depending on the nature of your business, you might be on all the major social media channels, or maybe just a few. While Instagram has made a huge impact on the social media players’ market, there’s one pro that’s been around much longer and despite a few ups and downs, remains the Big Daddy of social; Facebook. Learn about the three biggest mistakes businesses make when using this channel and how to avoid them.
Google Analytics - a digital marketer’s best friend.
You’ve got a website? Yup... You want people to buy from you or engage with your services? Yup… Your website is a representation of your brand? Yup…. Websites are integral in raising and maintaining the profile of a brand… But how well is your’s performing? Do you even know? Google Analytics can display a multitude of data. It can sometimes feel a little overwhelming on how to navigate all the charts and tables, but this article can help show you how to captain your data to better effect.